Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Waterloo Sunset

I first stumbled upon designer Charlene Mullen and her beautiful cushions at 100% Design but was reminded about her Drawings 1 collection when crossing Waterloo Bridge last Sunday.

Being a fiercely proud Londoner (I've been known to defend it and its ridiculously priced drinks, overcrowding and abruptness to the hilt) I love anything to do with London.

Routemasters (RIP), crossing Westminster Bridge and happening across Big Ben and the view from Waterloo Bridge, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful in London.

Turn to the left and you see St Paul's dwarfed by The Gherkin, to the right The London Eye and the golden glisten of Parliament.

So it will be no surprise I fell for Charlene's beautiful cushions depicting London at its very best.

I'm wondering if I could buy all the designs and start my very own landscape of London in my living room?

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