Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Tattoo Art

Tattoos fascinate me and while I've often contemplated one but never seen it through (needles and me don't get along - in fact I once told the school nurse I would rather get TB than have my injection again) but I do have several friends that have gone under the needle. 

And it seems last weekend was a bit of a tattoo-themed one. Firstly, my boyfriend found some pictures from the 1900s of people covered in tattoos in a wonderful antiques shop in Lechlade and then I came across Emily Peacock

Emily creates her beautiful cushions from tapestry and I particularly love her tattoo designs, which include this LOVE one as well as HOPE and FAITH. 

Emily sells her cushions ready-made or in kit form. Now, I've been looking for a hobby and I'm thinking that using a tapestry needle would be far easier to stomach than facing a tattooist's one...

1 comment:

  1. You have a nice blog, tattoo art and beautiful.
    please visit my tattoo blog tattoo design
    and tattoo flash design

