Sunday, 12 April 2009

The Easter Bunny

Predictably, there's an debate raging on the BBC Have Your Say about what does Easter mean to you. 

Even more predictably there are those who are most interested in who got the most eggs and those who want the former to be struck down by some higher force for being so blase about one of the most important Christian festivals. 

Personally, I'm not really bothered about either side of the argument but it does give an excuse to show off some Easter-themed accessories. 

Those who know me know I'm not a particular  fan of rabbits (or bananas, or lying and cheating politicians - ooh this is a topical post) I know they're cute, I can see that but I've always found them a little unpredictable (must be all that hopping) and it freaks me out that they don't make a noise. 

I do however, really like this cushion - simply called Kissing Rabbits from Anorak.

And even I have to admit, the rabbits on this cushion are rather sweet. I have to say though, I'm glad the designers called it Kissing Rabbits instead of what we all know those bunnies really get up to...

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