Thursday, 23 April 2009

Summer Holiday

I am craving a summer holiday at the moment - call it an urge to get away from South London or just the knowledge that my big, super trip across the Atlantic isn't until October, but it's getting stronger everyday.

Annoyingly, I'm not exactly flush at the moment so it looks like even a trip to Bognor is off the cards - not that there's anything wrong with Bognor (have never been - just trying to placate the Bognornese) 

So, in a strange, torturous effort to cheer myself up, I decided to look for holiday cushions. Well, if I'm not going to the beach - the beach can come to me in the form of soft furnishings. 

It was on one of my virtual travels (whilst desperately trying to steer clear of any holiday websites) that I came across these silk cushions from the ever-brilliant Re

They're inspired by vintage silk scarves and feature destinations such as Blackpool and the Isle of Wight

I love their kitschness and can imagine 50s ladies wearing similar scarves to ward off the cold British sea air. 

It looks like a lot of us will be staying home this summer thanks to the weak pound (yep, well done whoever that's down too) so maybe we should embrace our great seaside, after all there is enough of it...

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